Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Birthday Boy

Corbin miraculously turned 3 this week. I say miraculously because I still haven't figured out when exactly he turns another year older. Sometime in the night between the 28th and 1st of March. We are so excited that he gets an actual birthDAY next year.
He has been pretty excite to be turning "free" and have a pirate birthday. As usual, the day revolved around food. We had donuts for breakfast, McDonald's for lunch, and Chinese for dinner. Funny story about the food. At breakfast we asked him what he would like for his birthday dinner; fully expecting his answer to be McDonald's. When Bridger heard the question his little face lit up and he leaned over to Corbin and said "Chinese sounds like a nice birthday dinner, don't you think?" Corbin thought so too and requested it for dinner. He really wanted McDonald's too so we went there for lunch. Lucky little buggers!
After lunch the boys went on a treasure hunt for some ring pops. Brent set up the arrows for them to follow and they loved using the treasure map to find their loot!
We had cake and ice cream and opened presents that night. He was lucky to get so many fun things. He finally got his robot buzz. He has been asking for a robot buzz since Christmas. That is all he wanted. Unfortunately for him Santa didn't know what in the heck a robot buzz was. Then when asked what he wanted for his birthday it was the same answer. Luckily a few weeks ago we were at Toys R Us and we happened to find the robot buzz he had been dreaming of. He was pretty excited to open it up on his birthday. It was worth every last penny to get him something he has been so adamant about for so long.

We love our Corbin-boy. He is a little tender heart. He is always cracking us up with the things he says and does. He loves his cartoons and could watch them all day long if we let him. We can't wait to see what he comes up with in the next year.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

any celebration that doesn't revolve around food is lame.

happy birthday corbin! i can't believe how big you're getting!