Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Day trip

Yesterday we were itching to get out of Evanston. It was a beautiful day so we decided to drive up to Star Valley and visit my Grandma Kennington. She hadn't seen Hudson yet and it had been almost a year since we were up there. The kids didn't skip a beat visiting with her. We are so lucky to have most of our grandparents around still. Our kids still have 4 Great Grandmas and 2 Great Grandpas. Pretty lucky kids if you ask me!

We loved our time when we lived there but we sure don't miss the snow! I'll take the little bit that we still have on the ground over their massive drifts any day! It is really pretty though. Over south end the hills looked like they had fondant laid on them with a few occasional animal tracks through it.

1 comment:

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

So cute! You look so great after having had a baby just 3 weeks ago, my dear. So glad to see ya'll are enjoying the grandparents!