Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wyoming (and Utah) wildlife

With so much snow this winter we have had deer that have taken up residency in our yard and the surrounding area. The other night we caught them on their way somewhere to bed down for the night. We usually don't get them on camera. A couple of days ago before Brent left for work (at 5:30AM) we saw 5 bucks almost get hit by a semi. I wasn't sure the truck was going to be able to stop, but it did. It is fun to watch them.

These pictures of the elk at Deseret aren't the best because our camera was dying. We took a nice drive out to Deseret to look for the elk and were pleasantly surprised when there were a bunch right off the road. We saw the main herd way back in the hills.

I think the boys would really like it if they saw some of these animals. They only catch brief glimpses because they are either 1. sleeping or 2. so loud they scare them away and miss them by a second or two!!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Ahh... beautiful Wyoming. You should include more pictures of the landscape. I like them. :)