Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Christmas and all that fun stuff with it

After family parties on Christmas Eve the children were tucked snugly in bed. I'm not sure what kind of visions were dancing in their heads, but they were excited.

Santa visited and hoped that all they wanted had been delivered...or at least something that they wanted had been delivered!

Sadly, these are the only pictures we got from Christmas morning. Brent is way better about remembering pictures than I am. He videoed and snapped the few pictures we have while I just looked at the kids stuff with them.
  • Bridger was so excited to get his basketball hoop and Madden 11 (the wii game). Everything else was bonus!
  • Corbin was a little disappointed when he thought he didn't get any toys...just clothes and books. We had to show him that he did, in fact, get some toys.My favorite comment from him was "i didn't want a box for Christmas" we had to tell him to open the box to see what was inside.
  • Reagan was instantly in love with her rocking chair and dolly. She kept going back to it all morning while we opened presents. She also loved opening presents. It didn't matter whose they were or what was inside. She just liked ripping the paper!
Christmas Dinner
We decided that it would be fun to have Christmas dinner with our china that has never been used. We had fun setting the table and getting the center pieces put together. I think everything turned out great.Not sure we will be doing it again on Christmas day....but kind of fun to have fancy stuff out. The kids got paper plates! We're not that brave!

Christmas outfits
I remember growing up that Christmas (or Easter) didn't feel complete without a new dress. I know it was because my grandma Hamblin would always sew one for us. I can't help but feel the same with Reagan now. I don't have anyone to sew her one so they are store bought. I still love having a little bit of a special dress for the holidays. The boys got ties this year. There wasn't much selection in the way of dressier clothes for boys.

So that was our Christmas. So much more that didn't get documented...once again. Brent had the week after off and we just relaxed and enjoyed having nothing pressing to do. Steven and Vicki came to town so we played for a few days. We had a low-key New Years and are now back to the daily grind.


Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

your kids are the cutest. Jay has the same pj's. Girls are so fun when they love their dolls. Mine loves trucks and tractors more, but will play dolls once in a while. Can't wait to see your next little boy. Your the best little mom!

Emily K. said...

I love it all! Your Christmas table is so beautiful. Looks like it was a wonderful time enjoyed by everyone. (Insert funny, but somewhat cheesy comment here. I can't think of one right now. I'm usually very clever, aren't I?)