Saturday, January 22, 2011

Potty training

I have been putting off potty training Corbin because I thought it was going to be one long, drawn out fight. I am happy to say I was proven wrong. We started Monday morning and had about 2 or 3 accidents. Once he made it to the toilet mid-stream and finally understood what was going on. He had one more accident and after that he has told us every time he needs to go. Sometimes it is 3 times in 30 minutes but that's ok. At least he is telling us. He has also woken up dry for the past two days. Today he came and told me he had to go first thing (I wasn't even awake yet). He doesn't like his pull-up anymore and to me that means he is pretty much good to go! We even took him to Utah with us and he kept his pull-up dry the whole time. It did mean going to the bathroom multiple times every time we stopped but, once again, at least he was telling us. The past two days we have also survived 3 hours of basketball games dry! Sweet. Now to enjoy the month of only one kid's diaper to change before we are back to two!


Anonymous said...

WHOO Hoo!! Go Corbin!!
Good job Collette.

Tara Mogle said...


Dylan is SO READY but he just tells me that he's going to pee in his diaper...or he tells me he wants to pee on the potty. Kind of hit or miss. Whatever. Bring on diapers for two kids again! :)

Good luck!

when is your due date again?

Emily K. said...

Wow! Are you only a month away? That went super fast! Where are the pregnancy photos? I haven't seen any. Show us the belly love. . . Oh, and good job potty training. I despise it. What a wonderful day.

Shae said...

congrats!! yay for potty training! we have been doing that around our house as well this past month, and it's been successful, too--only a minor accident here and there...