Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Random pictures

I just realized it had been a couple of weeks since I've added anything. We have been keeping things pretty low key around here. I don't have energy to do much of anything...and moving is kind of hard at this point. We stick pretty close to home except for pre-school and groceries! I've tried to still take a few pictures when the kids are being cute.

Just relaxing. They all like to be on the same cushion of the couch. If everyone scoots over they fit, but sometimes not everyone likes to be squished!

I attempted making cinnamon rolls. I don't know why. I think I finally figured out my rising and separating problem. I was so excited about how these were going to turn out. I took them out when they were golden brown and they looked so delicious. I frosted them and when we went to get one I discovered that they weren't cooked all the way through. Seriously. I can't win. I will try again though. I think I have everything under control now and can successfully make a pan of cinnamon rolls.

Little girl wanted her picture taken.

I didn't capture this moment completely. I looked down the hall and They were all stacked up on their backs just hanging out. You know, like its normal to lay on your siblings like that. I'm just glad that we have moments of them all playing happily together.

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