Thursday, December 16, 2010

A visit from the elves...and maybe Santa too!

A couple of weeks ago we had a mysterious package on our front porch. To the kids surprise and delight there was a letter from Santa with packages for all three of them. We quickly read the note which said that Santa and his elves were watching and he hoped that the kids could try really hard to be good until Christmas. They then opened their packages. Each of them got a pair of pajamas and a Christmas coloring book with crayons (very useful for church...that Santa knows what parents need)!

After the excitement was over we put the jammies on and tried to get a picture. I know not everyone cares to see three of the same picture, but it gives you an idea of what a little busy-body Reagan is these days.

Bridger is sure that if he had gotten to the door just a little bit quicker he could have caught a glimpse of Santa or his elves. He is convinced that he will be able to see him on Christmas. You know, by staying up all night! Maybe next year, buddy, maybe next year!

1 comment:

Emily K. said...

Reagan sounds a little bit like someone in my house!! Busy, busy age. She's the cutest ever! I loved all the new posts! Happy Anniversary, Happy sledding with a tarp, Happy playing with laundry baskets, Happy Family Pictures, and horses! Hooray for everything! Merry Christmas to you all, and to you all a good night.