Thursday, December 09, 2010

Family pictures

At the beginning of November we had our family pictures taken.

Here are a couple of the pictures that won't be on our Christmas card...

We decided to go go Randolph for a little bit of a change of scenery and apparently that was a big mistake! While getting the kids ready Corbin pulled away from me and hurt his arm. Then he fell asleep on the way over and was not ready to wake up.
As we got the kids out of the car to start the pictures Corbin proceeded to throw possibly the biggest fit I've ever seen him throw. It involved big tears, screaming, blotchy face, and hyperventilating. Nothing would calm him down. Nothing. We spent a good twenty minutes trying to get him ready for pictures. Finally I told the girl that we would just have to take them and have his face be a lasting memory of how he was acting!
About 3/4 of the way through a guy across the street, who was doing something with his horses and had apparently had enough of the crying, came over to see if he could help. I think he was an angel. Corbin almost immediately stopped crying...and started smiling; laughing even. We couldn't believe it. The nice man stayed until we were done taking pictures and even brought his horse over for the kids to look at. I thought that would send Corbin back into hysterics because he doesn't love animals. It didn't. He just kept his distance. Reagan was the only one not really afraid of the horse.
So we ended and hoped that we got a few good shots. She sent the pictures and there were that-a few good shots. Unfortunately she also lost all of Bridger and Reagan's individual shots to a virus on her computer. That meant going back and getting them done again. I didn't think it was that big of a deal because those two had been great the first time. I thought maybe we could get some good ones of all the kids this time because surely Corbin wouldn't throw another fit.
So back to Randolph we went and this time (to make a long story short) I had two kids throwing a fit. Corbin and Reagan. Fun times.
I hope they aren't traumatized for life. Who knew that taking pictures was so stressful?!


Jeanna said...

I love when random strangers are angels.

I also got a pic once of Sav, the lady taking the pic was like "this is what I call a 'personality shot'". Srsly? I'm not paying money for a personality shot! (now i wish i had)

Brittany said...

i love these pics! even if it was hectic to get them taken, i think they turned out cute! your kids are such dolls!