Sunday, October 03, 2010

We'll take summer

So apparently summer didn't get the memo that fall started about 2 weeks ago. Maybe its making up for lost time because it didn't get to make its debut until sometime in July. Feeling a little gipped this year. Whatever the reason that we were still having summer at the end of September, we decided to make the most of it...instead of complaining, like I'm so good at doing.

The best part of summer-time temps in the fall? The playgrounds are deserted. We got the whole place to ourselves. Reagan was free to roam around without the fear of being stepped on by some careless child. The boys could play on whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted to. It was pretty sweet.

We also took a walk on the river walk. The kids went a couple of weeks ago with Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin. I hadn't been the way that they went so they were so excited to take me and show me everything. Aside from Corbin thinking that the tigers were going to jump out of the bushes it was a fun time. Bridger was even daring and took a side trail all by himself (don't worry, it met up with the regular path and I could see him the whole time but he didn't know that).

I think that summer has had its fun and fall is taking over this week. That's ok though. We had our fun too!

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