Monday, September 27, 2010

Mogles and gateway

We met Paul and Tara in Salt Lake for dinner on Saturday night. It was fun to get together with them. I think it has been about 3 years. Anyway...our kids are about the same ages and they had so much fun together. They were quite sad when we had to say good bye.

After dinner we headed to the gateway to just browse around. We went to the arcade and the boys won enough points to get these "scary" teeth and a sucker. Success. We also hit the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory...Success for me!


Abbie said...

I wondered what had happened to you! I figured it was the pregnancy but I'm glad to see your camera is back. :)

Emily K. said...

Ya know what I read in a magazine once? (Magazines are always right, after all) If you eat chocolate every day when you're pregnant, your baby will be happier. So, bring on that chocolate!!