Sunday, October 24, 2010

We have a BYU fan in the house

Yesterday Bridger had an early Christmas. Last week when Brittany (Brent's cousin) was in town she invited Bridger to go to the BYU-Wyoming game with her and Tiffany. These are the girls responsible for converting him to a BYU fan. He was so excited. When I asked him if it sounded fun he said "I know mom, she already asked me and I said yes". It might have been a long week for the little boy. Everything was gauged by what day the football game was.
The day arrived and he was up bright and early. David, Wendy, and Taylour let him ride with them to Provo and the adventure began.

I stole the pictures from facebook (I hope you don't mind, Brittany). Brittany cuts hair for some people with BYU connections so they got to go on the field at half time and get their picture with one of the players, Adam Rich. I just looked it up.

Here is what Brittany said about the game:
I loved going to the game with Bridger!! He is so funny and knows more about football than most adults! Like what 4 year old knows about a fair catch, interception, incomplete pass, can point out the receivers on the field, and that's just the beginning! He commentated the whole game!!

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