Monday, October 25, 2010

October Snow

Just a little taste of what we woke up to this morning. If you know how hour trees usually look then you will understand the weight of this snow. This is no light dusting. It is heavy and wet!

How I knew we were not ready for winter:
  • Snow shovel was in the shed in the back yard
  • Bridger and Reagan do not have winter coats
  • Outside (and some not so outside) toys were covered in snow
  • Winter boots had to be dug out of a tucked away tote
  • The hose is sitting covered in snow on the front lawn
You would think we would learn. I mean come on, we both grew up in Wyoming. These storms should come as no surprise. Yet every year we are surprised. I guess we were hoping the beautiful fall would last until Christmas Eve? Luckily I don't think the snow will stick for too long this time. At least I feel better when I look at the forecast and it says sunshine by Thursday and Friday.


Candy said...

that makes throw up come up in my mouth.

I despise WY winters!

Abbie said...

So beautiful! I think it would be fun. It's in the 70s here. I wouldn't mind some nice 50-60 degree weather.

Jessica said...


Thanks for popping by my blog. :)