Wednesday, October 06, 2010

More craftiness

The other day I got it in my head that I wanted some plates with strictly Halloween images on them. I found a Cricut cartridge that I happened to love and got to work. I think the overall time for the plates was about 2 hours. That included cutting everything out in paper first to make sure it fit properly. I love, love, love how they turned out. It is always nice having something in my head actually turn out.

This tutu will be part of Reagan's Halloween costume. It took me about 2 hours to put together. So simple and it is so dang cute on her. Now we have to figure out what to put with it! We did get some wings at the store so I'm guessing some sort of fairy...

*Linked up at eighteen25* again!


Abbie said...

You are so cute! I love that you do these kinds of things. :)

Katie said...

LOVE your plates! I made plates too... go check them out at

*new follower*