Monday, October 18, 2010

Favorite things party

I read about a favorite things party on this blog and I knew I had to have one. I was brave and emailed the blog author to see if she had any files she could send me of the invitations and other printables. She was so nice and graciously sent me everything she had. All I had to do was invite some people and print things off and buy a couple of things. The table for food.

the bowl for names.

The bags to take goodies home in.

I decided to try it out during the hunting week (all of Brent's uncles go hunting together and the women plan activities while they are gone). Everyone brought 5 of their favorite things and a favorite dish.
We ate the yummy food and then exchanged our gifts. Everyone put their name on five pieces of paper and then we took turns drawing a name out of the bowl. The name on the paper was the person that gave you one of their gifts. Make sense? It was fun.
I didn't take any pictures during the party but I think everyone went home pretty happy. For sure a tradition. I might even need to have a spring know to get through the winter time blues!


Abbie said...

Stop it now with all your cute crafty fun things. You're making me jealous.

Anonymous said...

I was invited to a party like that last year, but was unable to go, because (as usual), Lynn had to work late. I heard it was a BLAST! Next time I will just get a babysitter and go anyways. Glad you are having a good time with life!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a dork! BTW: the above comment was from me.
