Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin patch

Wednesday we decided to head to Black Island Farms for a little pumpkin patch fun. Jeff and Julie met us down there. We have decided that going early and getting in free (like we did last year) was the best plan. It was way over priced for the activities that were available. A little disappointing, but what can you do? The camera died shortly after the happy picture of Reagan was taken. It wasn't a total bust. The kids had fun on the slippy slides, in the bounce house, on the hay ride to pick pumpkins, and just being free to run around. Reagan wasn't feeling so great so she didn't really like any of it. I think she would have rather been at home sleeping in her bed.

1 comment:

Shae said...

so fun! i've only been there once--when Sadie was 6 weeks old! but my kids loved the slippy slides--mariah a bit too much...she biffed it and cut her lip open!