Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is how we celebrate 4

Breakfast of choice
Lunch of choice
Party with family

I just realized that, apparently, birthdays=food at our house. Anyway...that is beside the point.

Breakfast of choice: french toast. He decided that last night and stuck to it this morning. I was impressed. He is known for changing his mind on things like that.

As soon as breakfast was over he said: "so, what is my birthday lunch going to be?" He caught on quick that he got to choose our food today.

At lunch we decided to go out. Of course, Bridger got to choose where. He chose Mother Mae's, a little family sandwich/everything else shop. He called Grandma Lake to see if she wanted to come. The conversation went like this: "Grandma, do you want to go to my birthday lunch at Mother Mae's?"
While we were getting in the car after lunch Bridger told Corbin that he got to get in first because it was his birthday. He was really getting the hang of milking the birthday theme.

Poor kid, all we did to celebrate his birthday was eat and run errands. When Brent went to get tables and chairs from his mom's the boys stayed and got to play.

They came home just in time for the party. It was a baseball theme...mostly. He really wanted football but that is what he had last year and his parents wanted a little variety. He had been talking about a baseball party all year and last minute changed his mind. So he had football wrapping paper. It was a compromise he almost wasn't willing to make. He's kind of a stubborn little thing.
We had family over for some pizza and cake and ice cream. We were able to have it outside. We weren't sure for a minute or two because the weather was a little sketchy but it didn't rain on us which we are so grateful for.
We don't have many pictures because our camera is doing funny things. Sorry, buddy.

Eating dinner with cousins. The others showed up a little later.

the baseball decorations.
Grandpa Hamblin is in town for a week or so and was able to come. It is always fun to see him.

There were lots of helpers with the presents. He, once again, raked in the loot. Thanks for all the wonderful gifts! He loves them.

The birthday boy with his baseball cake.

We sure love our Bridger boy. He keeps life interesting. He is a sports fanatic. I mean, seriously, the kid watches the NFL channel all day. I know exactly when he has changed the channel from cartoons to sports. I hear a low grumbly "Brid-ger" from Corbin. If he isn't watching football and telling us all about the "awesome" play that just happened he is begging us to play outside with him. I can't wait for the day when Corbin likes to play catch with him.
He's a smart little bugger. He absorbs things like crazy. He amazes me with the things that he picks up on his own. He is constantly trying to figure things out. I love to see how his little mind works.
I hope he had a great day. He topped it off by having a sleep-over at Grandma Lake's house. On the way over I asked him if he had a good day. He said: "yeah, it was ok." Ok? what would have been better. His reply: "I just wish I was 5 instead of just 4." What to do what to do? Funny kid.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

yay! happy birthday bridger! the day should be all about the birthday-ee. and i agree, food is a significant part of the fun. (i feel bad for people that weren't pampered on their birthday.)