Friday, August 20, 2010


Ten years ago this week I set out for a grand adventure.
This fall marks 10yrs since I went to Moscow...for 4 months.
I wish I would have enjoyed it more and not been so homesick.
I had a dream the other night that I was back there. I could feel and smell the air, hear the people speaking, and see the streets. I woke up longing to go back. Maybe someday. I think I could still find my way around (according to google earth anyway...)

1 comment:

nargyle said...

I found your blog from Candy's. I can't believe that it has been ten years! I was just thinking about it the other day. I think we made the best no bakes ever while we were there. (Maybe that's why I gained ten pounds :) And I actually miss some of the Russian food. I don't miss the metro. But, I still have memorized what it says every time the doors shut. We had some good times. Thanks for being my Russia friend! - Natalie