Sunday, July 25, 2010

Out of batteries

Our camera is out of batteries. I really need to remedy that problem. Posts without pictures are pretty boring...
I feel like I need to document what has been going on the past couple of weeks.

  • We went camping. Who knows why. Oh yeah, because its fun. It was fun. We went with Brent's sister, Julie, and her family and then Susan and Nicole stayed in the cabins up the road (that is the camping I wanted to be doing) and visited us during the day. We really did enjoy ourselves. Bridger learned to go potty in the woods. We were grateful for that because the bathrooms were a little ways away. We had yummy food and stayed mostly warm. I'm glad Brent brought the heater. It saved us the first night. There is nothing like walking into a warm tent when its freezing outside. Corbin thought it was ok. He was perfectly happy to sit in the truck and watch movies. He must have a lot of my blood in him. Reagan was a trooper. She hates being held or cooped up constantly and at the rate she puts things in her mouth...she was both all weekend long. She slept pretty well except for waking up at about 5 AM and screaming until Brent made her a bottle. Thank goodness for husbands who will do that!! The kids made many trips to the water to throw rocks and just explore. They went to the lake to fish and took the four wheelers for a spin or two. Fun times. I'll have to see if I have some pictures. I think that is where our camera died.
  • Next was girls camp.
While camping I didn't feel so great. I felt like I was getting a cold. By Sunday I knew I had a full blown sinus infection. I have never hurt so bad. Since girls camp was coming up I got into the Dr. as soon as I could Monday morning. That was fun with all 3 kids and an ornery nurse. my prescription and all packed up Monday evening. We met my parents halfway and dropped the kids off. They took them Monday night through Thursday morning while Brent worked.
I left for camp Tuesday morning bright and early. We had a wonderful time. I was able to serve with some amazing women who taught me so much. I was the 2nd year hike leader and thought that the hike wasn't so bad. Apparently some others felt otherwise. We never left the road. I don't know what they were talking about?! Maybe the switchbacks getting up the hill? I really had no idea that it was semi-difficult. Everything turned out very nice and I think the girls had a good time and were able to grow spiritually. It was fun for me to be able to meet more people in the stake and put names with faces. I made some new friends, which is always nice. Good times. Brent and the kids came up on my birthday and brought a cake. It was fun to see them, even if I didn't look excited (that's what Brent said). Sorry.
I turned 30.
  • Saturday we left our house at 5:45 with all the children in tow for the pioneer days triathlon in Lyman. Blaine rode his bike, my dad swam, and I ran...kind of. Blaine and my dad did great. I'm afraid I was the weak link. After being sick all week I didn't have the strength or lung capacity I would have liked. Oh well. At least I didn't finish last...just second to last. Just kidding...I think. I really don't know if anyone was behind me. Blaine ran the whole thing with me. I was going so slow that he was able to talk the whole way. Seriously. He's doing the whole thing by himself next year. It was fun to run with him and have his encouragement along the way. I think I might have given up a couple of times if it wasn't for him. It was fun to do it and I think we'll all train a little bit more so that we can be competitive next year! I know I will. I hate being the weak link. Anyone want to do it with us next year? It would be fun to have lots of teams with people we know.If you want pictures from this year's festivities check out my mom's blog.
Afterwords we took in the parade and exhibits at the church then headed to my parents house for some yummy kabobs.

So that is what we've been up to. July has been crazy for us. I feel like I can relax and don't have anything going on for a while. Well, nothing that I am in charge of. My house might get cleaned in the morning.


Tara Mogle said...

Your July sounds like ours! camping, girls camp, and just having lots of fun. I so wish we could have gotten together this summer. There's always August right?!?! Probably not, but we do have to head back up to SL for another MRI for Dylan in September and I think we are going to try to go to the zoo. Keep that in mind. We would LOVE to see you guys!

happy summer

Anonymous said...

You guys did awesome!! I really want to do the triathlon with you guys next year. All your motivation is giving me motivation again and it feels pretty good. Today I ran for the 1st time in about 2 months. good job and hope you're feeling better
love ya

Emily K. said...

You have been busy!! Glad you had a good time at Girls Camp. I think we used to whine about those hikes back in the day too. Just whiney ages. . . Great job on the 5K, and the Triathlon. You are turning into an athlete! I looked at your mom's blog too. So fun to see everyone. you guys do so many great things together. Reagan is growing up so fast!

Brittany said...

i love your sarcasm! you crack me up each time i read your blog. i don't think i knew that you weren't fond of camping... i guess i assumed you liked it because i've spent so much time with you at the cabin. which is a cabin, not a tent. anyway, i'll participate in your race with you next year! it sounds like you're not giving yourself enough credit. according to your mom's post, you did great! i think you'll rock the race next year (since you won't have a stupid cold)!

Monica said...

How fun that you did a t riathalon together. Matt tries to talk me into doing one but I don't swim. Maybe we should try the group thing also. you're an inspiration.