Friday, June 18, 2010


I thought I was just about over my fear of birds. Ok, not really but I wasn't letting all the little birds that fly around our house bother me. I mean my neighbor adorns his yard in birdseed. It made me ill when I saw that. Really, how many birds does one neighborhood need? Anyway...that is beside the point.
The boys are gone and Reagan was, once again, napping. I had mentioned on the phone to Brent that I was taking the day off. Then I got thinking about it and thought that he would think I was pretty great if he came home and I had actually mowed the lawn. So I went to the backyard and proceeded to pick up the random balls and bats that had been left out there. I got over to our shed and picked up the last football when I noticed a littel blackish bird flying dangerously low and squawking dangerously loud. A combination I'm not a fan of. I figured I was being paranoid, put the ball on the deck and tried walking back to the shed. The bird, apparently, had other ideas. It came way too close to my head for comfort and so I took of running like a scaredy pants into the house, not looking back to see if it was following me.
Once I was safely in the house with the screen closed, I noticed that the bird flew to a specific spot on the fence and proceeded to monitor the yard. No problem, I'll just wait a few minutes and try again, I thought.
A few minutes passed (ok, like 30) and I went to assess the situation. There was no bird in sight and no chirping birds to speak of. I tried it again. I got about 3/4 of the way to the shed and the bird came flying straight for my head squawking as loud as its little birdie lungs would let it. I'm not exaggerating, I promise. It makes me shudder just thinking about it.
Back into the house I went. And back to its post the bird went. I'll wait until Brent gets home to try the backyard again. So, the lawn didn't get mowed. The bird won. The situation has to be taken care of though. My boys need to be able to play back there. I couldn't see a nest. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.
I see the bb gun getting some action in the next day or so. Ugh...


Abbie said...

That is hilarious. But I totally empathize with you. This happened to me many years ago when I was going to school at BYU. I would run from campus down towards the mouth of Provo Canyon and these awful black birds (about the size of a regular robin) would swoop and often hover above my head to the point where I could literally feel them on me. Ugh. I got to the point where I would cross the road just to avoid them. I hate those birds!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh thatis funny i'm sorry I can't stop laughing. I know it wasn't a good experience but it totally made my day!!
I still love you

Brittany said...

i know that you're scared of birds...but this is a very funny story to me! especially the ending about the bb gun. good luck with your bird situation. :)

PS - i've been wondering lately where you've been. i haven't seen any posts from you in a while...and then you banged out a handful the last coupe days.

mom/Janet said...

Let us know if they go after Brent.