Thursday, June 17, 2010

The cousins came to town

Last weekend was spent playing with all the Lake cousins. Brent's sister, Jenny, and her two kids came Wednesday night. Steven and Vicki dropped their kids off on Thursday morning on their way to Idaho for a relay marathon. They came back Saturday afternoon. The kids all have so much fun when they get together. Here is some of what we did while they were all in town. Most of the time it was raining!

Went to school lunch and then played on the playground.
Bridger and I might have had a minor meltdown at the lunchroom that involved school lunch coming back up and a quick jaunt home to let him know that it was not ok to act like that...ever. On our way back to the playground Corbin spotted the bike helmet and couldn't be convinced to take it off. So, who's kid is that running around the playground with a helmet on? Mine. yup. mine.

Craft time with Aunt Coley
She had them doing all sorts of crafty things that I have never dreamed of letting them do. Most of it involved glue.

Trying to get a decent picture of all 9 cousins.

The oldest is 6 and the youngest 8 months. You can probably guess how well it went. I don't think this one at our house is too bad. They are lined up in birth order starting on the right. They are fun and busy and entertaining all at the same time.

Other highlights of the week included:
  • Sleepovers
  • Movies
  • popcorn
  • Barbeque (on the one and only semi-warm day)
  • kids riding in any car besides their parent's
  • a little shopping

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