Friday, May 07, 2010

The wedding

Today was the big day. Andrea and Jerame were married this morning in a beautiful ceremony in the Salt Lake temple.

The kids and I drove down last night and stayed in Salt Lake with my parents. Brent had to work so he came this morning with Susan and Julie. When we got to Salt Lake we walked around temple square and rode Trax for a couple of blocks. That was by far the highlight for the boys. We rode to the Energy Solutions Arena stop and let them get off. They have a huge poster, for lack of a better word, on the outside of the building, for the playoffs, and Bridger was in heaven. They were both really disappointed that we couldn't go in and watch a game. Maybe next year, guys, maybe next year. They kind of went downhill from there. Lets just say they fought sleep every step of the way. But, they finally gave in and went to bed.

We woke up to beautiful weather, had breakfast with the bride-to-be, and got all prettied up for the big event. It was so fun to see so many friends and family. Brent's mom and sister were kind enough to come and watch our kids for us. I think they were lifesavers because I'm not sure Corbin would have stayed with anyone else. Thanks, Susan and Julie, we really appreciate it.

After the temple we headed to the luncheon. Once again, fun to see everyone. The kids wore themselves out running around and dancing and then we headed home! I must say, that is a great way to do a wedding. We were done by 4 with no set up, clean up, and very minimal stress on anyone's part!

Congratulations Andrea and Jerame! We're so happy for you.

While we waited for the bride and groom to come out of the temple we took a few pictures. The only really cooperative kid was Reagan. She didn't know about the fun that the other kids were having running around on the grass.

Jackie, Ashlee, Braden, and Devan

*Some how Blaine and Angie missed out on the family picture shot.


Brittany said...

happy day! andrea looks stunning! (as does the groom.) and such luck with the weather. amazing!

Emily K. said...

Oh, she looks so beautiful. Thanks for sharing all of the pictures. I'm so glad she found someone wonderful to share her life with. How lucky were you with the weather?