Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shh...I'm sleeping

This is how Corbin fell asleep the other day. Apparently it was a little noisy for him. I took him and Reagan to the doctor on Tuesday because they had all the symptoms of an ear infection: congested, pulling on ears, not sleeping well, cranky, clingy... you know the routine. Well, my maternal instincts pulled through for me once again. 4 for 4 as the doctor said. Both of them have double ear infections. Fun fun. Luckily they both take their medicine quite well. I think they are on the mend. Corbin has been running around here non-stop today. That is the little boy we know and love. Now if summer would come so we quit picking junk up or the pollen calms down or SOMETHING! I'm ready to have happy healthy kids for a while!

1 comment:

Shae said...

hope they are doing better! that is such a cute picture! i love when i'm right to take my kids into the doctor, so i don't feel like i'm wasting a co-pay for them to just tell me that it's a cold, or something that they can't fix with meds. lol