Sunday, May 16, 2010


So this morning we have had two pretty big breakthroughs in our home.

1. Corbin can now jump with both feet off the ground. He was so excited this morning when he realized he could do it. He came running to me and said "Mom! Look!" he then proceeded to jump about three times. We were all pretty excited. *Little side note: I had never realized that jumping is a learned thing. I mean, who remembers when they learned how to jump and actually get off the ground.* We tried and tried to teach Bridger. I thought surely he should know how to do it instinctively. He eventually got it. Then I saw Corbin begin the jumping process much the same way. Making the jumping motion and not getting anywhere. It then progressed to one foot off the ground and this morning...two feet.

2. This might be Too Much Information but I had to share because it was so cute. Bridger has wanted to be able to go #1 standing up for a while. He's just not quite tall enough. So a second ago he came running down stairs to use the bathroom (his choice of bathrooms is a whole different post) and proudly exclaimed that he "pee'd like Daddy and Braxton". What?! you're standing up? Yup. and he even cleaned up his mess on the bowl. All I could do was laugh. I guess he's tall enough. Funny kid. I told him good job and he sincerely said "Thanks, Mom". It was a big accomplishment for him.

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