Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day weekend

We started the weekend off by going to Star Valley to visit with some of my family. We just love it up there. The boys played with the big boys and we visited with everyone else. Just about the time we decided to head to the cemetery it started "winding" as the boys say. The wind was blowing so hard that we didn't stay at the cemetery very long. I'll be surprised if the flowers were even in the vicinity of my grandpa's headstone when it was done "winding". Just a quick trip but enough to make us happy!

Saturday early afternoon we headed out to the Evanston cemetery to visit all the family graves. That sounds so morbid. But how else do you say it? There are about 7 or 6 headstones that we put flowers on every year. The pictures are at Brent's dad's headstone.

Saturday afternoon we spent at graduation parties. Brent had two cousins (on different sides of the family) graduate on Saturday. Fun to get together with everyone and celebrate this accomplishment. They are both headed to Utah State! We're excited for them.

Sunday Bridger woke up with the sickies. We kept him home from church because he threw up randomly. I mean he felt a little sick when he woke up but acted fine. He was running around playing and then stopped to puke. Lovely. Apparently Corbin wasn't feeling so great either. He retrieved his blanket from his room and laid down for a nap all by himself. He likes to sleep with the pillow over his head. Strange. He does it in his bed too. So Brent went to Sacrament meeting and I stayed home with the boys. Brent was nice enough to take Reagan since she was already in her church clothes.

After church Reagan was looking pretty cute so I took some pictures. I love this stage. She is almost 8 months old and crawling everywhere. She holds her own bottle but still loves to snuggle. If we can get her congestion and ear infections under control life will be perfect for this little thing.

Sunday night the boys had a rousing game of football. All the Lake cousins were in town (except for Jenny's kids) and they had a fun time playing all weekend. Sleepovers, trampoline, swings, running, Wii-ing. I think they had fun. Bridger cried this morning when I told him Caleb went home.

The last thing we did was head to Mtn. View this morning. Brent had to go back to work so the kids and I went. I'm glad we did. Both boys felt icky and wanted to be held most of the day. It was nice to have extra sets of hands for the child feeling needy. Hopefully this is a mild form of the stomach flu. I'm just waiting for Corbin to throw up in the night. It seems that is when it always happens...Oh well. One of the joys of motherhood, I suppose.


mom/Janet said...

What? How did Reagan get to be 8 months already? Slow down time!!!

Emily K. said...

Wow! Your dad retired? How crazy is that? Congratulations to him. I'm glad that he is in a position to be able to do that. Now, onto living the good life, right?

What a fun weekend. It seems like we forget about what Memorial Day really is. We just have a big BBQ. We visit Jake's brother's grave a few times during the year, and, I always think about when I'm passing some pretty flowers. But, this holiday is here for a reason right. Good for you guys.

Your little Reagan is so cute. Sorry about the flu. Stomach issues with kids is one of the worst things to deal with. Diarrhea. . . and getting rid of it. . . Hope they don't get that.

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I got the vinyl saying in my entry way at Hobby Lobby. It was half off, and I think I paid around 10 dollars or less. :0)

Jenny Bebel said...

I told Madison that the picture of the boys playing was at your new house and she said "oh that's kind of a small house" she thought the shed was your house! And she thinks baby Reagan is soooo cute!