Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our week.

Apparently I haven't taken any pictures in a week. So this is a picture-less post. *My mom just sent me some pictures from the week*

Brent worked nights starting on Sunday night and that is always an adventure.

It snowed like crazy on Monday and Tuesday. In fact, Brent didn't get home until about 8:15 on Tuesday morning because of all the snow. He usually gets home about 7:20.

I skipped going to Utah by myself with all three kids because the thought of toting them around in the snow did not sound fun. I'm a wimp these days.

The roads were closed Most of the day Tuesday. First because of snow/ice and then because of wrecks further up I-80. This made Bridger stressed because he had a big trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house planned and it wasn't going to work if the roads were closed.

Lucky for us we were just going to the valley and the roads were dry. We got to drive around the "road closed" barricade and have the free way to ourselves. I've never been on I-80 when I was the only car. Kind of a strange and lonely feeling.

Both boys stayed at my parent's house for two nights. They love when they get to have sleep-overs and they are even better when their cousins are there.

It was really quiet around here. Reagan kept looking for the boys, but she learned to love having all of Mom's attention. It was fun to play with her and have a little one-on-one time. That doesn't happen too often with her.

Reagan had her 6 month birthday (I guess that's what it's called). Her doctor's appointment isn't until the 22nd so I'm not sure on her stats. She has mastered sitting up pretty well. She is much happier when she sits up. She isn't a big fan of laying down on her back. She also started army crawling this week. She's getting pretty good at that as well. Her little personality shows through more and more each day. She makes funny faces and lights up when the boys are around. Bridger likes to get her to growl at him. It is funny to watch. I can't believe it has been six months since she was born. Time really does go faster with each kid. Crazy how that works.

We had an open house bridal shower for Andrea on Saturday. I'll have to get some pictures from my mom. I think it turned out pretty good. We had quite a bit of yummy food and we got to see some old friends. It was kind of a new concept for people but it was nice to be able to visit and not have a set schedule of things that were going on. People were able to drop by for a second or stay for a while if they wanted. Fun times.

We were set to close on our house on Friday but because of problems with rural development (where we are getting our loan) we have to wait until Monday. Hopefully we'll be able to move this weekend. It is just a little stressful waiting for everything to go through. I'll post pictures when we get to that point. Right now our house is covered in wallpaper. You might have to wait until we get a couple of walls painted. We're excited. A new adventure and it feels like we've entered real adulthood.

Today we went to our ward for the last time. It was actually pretty uneventful. We have a lovely family in our ward that has 3 kids in jr. primary. No big deal except they have no idea how to sit for longer than 30 seconds (if they sit at all) and I'm not exaggerating...I wish I was. I taught the older two in their primary class and they used up just about every last bit of my patience. I sure won't miss that part of my calling!

I think that is our week. This week should be nice and busy trying to get everything moved and cleaned! Wish us luck. :)


Anonymous said...

You are not talking about my 3 kids are you? Ha ha ha

Collette said...

LOL! No, I'm not talking about your kids. Your boys are some of the best behaved kids in primary...and I'm not kidding. They are great. If you think hard enough you can probably figure it out!

alliehoopes said...

hi, i'm out blog hopping tonight. i know who it is and you are majorly not kidding. that was nuts! i didn't know you guys were moving. congratulations on a house!