Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Easter morning

The Easter bunny found them!

Reagan is starting to hold her own with the boys.
This is her sneaky attempt at getting the ipod away from Corbin.
Corbin was nice and let her watch with him.

We had a nice relaxing day. Making cinnamon rolls*, watching conference**, making a lovely dinner, and monitoring the candy intake. It was lovely.

*I tried yet another recipe. Maybe one day I'll find one that I love. I never dreamed it would be this hard to be satisfied with a cinnamon roll recipe.

**There was actually very little of this that was going on. With three kids under 3 they don't quite grasp the concept of sitting still or being quiet for longer than about 5 minutes. So I downloaded the talks to my ipod and I am listening to them as I walk on the elliptical in the mornings. I love it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Such cute kids! It's so fun watching them grow up through your blog. I bet they will always be best buddies. Hope you are doing well! Oh yeah...I am due on August 7th!!