Monday, April 12, 2010

It's official!

We closed on our house this morning!
It is officially ours. Let the work begin.

It was a little stressful. There are always hidden fees and things that are standard but you don't think about. The good news is that we get some money back. They were sure to tell us how we can pay our loan off in half the time. That will be great. And it isn't too hard!

Oh, and while we were there a lady drove into the front of the next building over (the Caldwell Banker/formerly known as Maverick...if you're familiar with Evanston). That was a little exciting.

Yay for owning a home!


Brittany said...

happy day! i can't wait to see pics! be sure to take before/after so we can see the progress!

Jessica said...

Congrats on the new house!

Amanda and Kalon Downing said...

I am excited for you. I will have to bring you a house warming gift. I always pass your other house and always say I am going to stop in and say Hi, but it hasn't happened yet. Excited for you guys. You should bring your kids out one day and see our baby pigs. They would love it. Call me sometime.

Emily K. said...

Congratulations!! What an exciting new adventure.