Friday, March 05, 2010

Night-shift randomness

Brent is working nights and I, of course, have a hard time sleeping. I figured I might as well post some things that have been going through my brain. Here it goes in no particular order.

  • After making it through 2 of the worst months for sickness...we've been hit. I took Reagan to the Dr. last Friday and she had a sinus infection. On to antibiotics she went. Wednesday night Corbin popped up with fever. It seriously came out of nowhere. He kept saying his ears hurt so I called the doctor Thursday morning and they didn't have any openings...of course. Luckily someone canceled and they got us in later in the afternoon. Corbin did, indeed, have an ear infection. So he is also on antibiotics. Yesterday afternoon Bridger had been playing on the computer for a while...a long while and decided to take a break. He said his head hurt and I told him he had been staring at the computer screen too long. When he woke up he said his tummy hurt and proceeded to throw up. We are pretty sure he didn't have the flu, but a migraine. Poor little guy. Today everyone is feeling much better. I think that Corbin might also be recovering from hand foot and mouth. Julie's kids had it this week and he didn't get it last year when Bridger did (its like chicken pox. Once you get it you are supposed to be immune). I think it contributed to his not feeling well for a few days. Tonight he was back to himself for the most part. He didn't fight me taking his medicine and he actually ate something. Hopefully they are all on the mend.
  • I love the way Reagan lights up when her brothers are around. They love, love, love to make her smile and laugh. In fact they fight over who gets to be right in her face.
  • Sometimes I think we're crazy for having our kids so close together. Really, I didn't want to be having kids until I was 40. Most of the time it isn't so bad...but there are those days. I just tell myself that in a few years these days will just be memories. I can't remember what apostle said it in a general conference talk but it said something like raising your kids is just a fraction of your life and not to worry there will be time for other things one day...right now just focus on your kids. I'm trying really hard to do that so when it is time for them to be gone I don't have regrets about how I spent my time with them. I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis.
  • March madness is in full swing at our house. I think you could safely say that following basketball teams is our hobby. We love it. I used to think it was strange that people would follow high school sports for no reason and now I'm one of the strange ones. I think it is that we got used to doing that in Logan with Utah State and when we moved to Wyoming high school had to be the next best thing. This weekend is regionals (I'm listening to the Evanston game right now), next weekend is State (I'm glad the kids were sick this week and not next), and then it is the NCAA tournament that we'll follow. Fun times. Its ok if you think its strange. I am even the owner of an Evanston Red Devil's shirt. Never thought I'd let it go that far :)
  • I need a good friend. Anyone want to be my friend?
  • There is a never ending supply of craft blogs. Seriously. Its like a black hole. You could blog hop for days and never see the end of them. I wish I had time to do a tenth of the things that I see on them. So fun. I think most of my bloglines subscriptions are craft blogs.
  • Did you know that, if your company participates, you can save 20% with Verizon on a "business plan"? I didn't. All we had to do was enter Brent's work email and presto save-o. Sweet deal for us (and everyone else who can participate). Go a head. Try it. All they can say is no!
So...I think that is all. I'm telling you, random.


Brittany said...

i'll be your good friend. :)

it's nice to hear your thoughts on having kids close together. that is what wyatt and i are thinking of doing... you make it look so easy. it's good to hear that it is tough but doable. i guess we'll see how we feel after kid number one.

Abbie said...

I know that feeling about wanting a good friend. They are hard to come by but when you have one, isn't it the greatest? I hope one moves into your ward or something soon. :)

I am always watch in amazement the mothers who have children close in age. It is hard hard work and often it is really only the mother who truly knows it.

Emily K. said...

I'll be your friend, too. But, I wish I had one who lived close. One who you can knock on the door any time of day, go for walks with, cry, and complain to, laugh with, girl's night, etc. They're hard to come by, I guess.

You do so great with your kids. I appreciate your attitude about it. It sets such a good example for me. It's really hard sometimes. Sorry about the sick. It was a doozy last week for us, too. And, Jake just caught a bad cold yesterday. I'm hoping he doesn't spread it around to all of us now. Probably will, though. . .

I haven't been sleeping well at night, either. My husband's right there beside me, but, I have a baby waking up all the time, and I'm trying to wean myself from Vicodin. It used to just relax me, and knock me out, now, I don't know how to go to sleep without it.