Saturday, March 06, 2010

Day with Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin

The boys were able to go to Utah with Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin today. The highlight of the trip was meeting up with Jace and Blaine at the train show. They saw big trains, little trains, climbed on and in trains. Grandpa did a great job taking lots of pictures. Then they did a little shopping and headed home. They had so much fun. Thanks for taking them.
*just a little funny. Bridger was sure that Reagan was going to feel left out. He said, "are you sure she can't come? I think Grandpa could just babysit her too!"


Emily K. said...

Cute. What a fun trip with the Grandparents!

Jeanna said...

We were sorry to miss yet another fun outing with the Hamblin clan. Not only did Mack have strep (which he was feeling tons better by the evening, thank goodness bc we had free Jazz tickets), but my back gave out in a horrible way that day.

Crazy day. Wish we could have seen the trains, my kids (who am I kidding, and Harold) love that stuff.

And I love Mike and Kathy!! What great grandparents they are!