Sunday, March 14, 2010

State Basketball weekend

We headed out early Wednesday morning for the much anticipated weekend in Casper. The boys didn't sleep a wink until about 15 miles outside of Casper (and for those not familiar, that is a 5 hour trip). To say they were excited would be an understatement.

the anticipation is killing us!
We passed the time by watching movies, playing the ipod, and looking at the map. Bridger was having a hard time grasping the concept that Casper was in Wyoming like Evanston is. He had fun finding all the towns that he knew about. Little side note here: Bridger calls it Wyoming, Evanston instead of Evanston, Wyoming. So the fact that it was Wyoming, Casper was throwing him a little bit. Hence, the map.

First stop: State Cheer and Dance competition
Brent's sister, Nicole, is a cheerleader for Evanston. His cousin, Carly, dances for Evanston and another cousin, Annie, cheers for Cheyenne Central. We had quite the cheering section. The girls did a great job. The judging was a little questionable, but that is beside the point. Bridger kept asking when the basketball was going to start. (I'm telling you, he was excited!) We were there from 3pm until about 9:30. The kids did so well to sit for so long.

Somehow I failed to get ANY pictures while we were at the games and trust me, we were at a lot.
Brent was a happy man the first night when Bridger asked if we could go back after dinner to watch some more basketball. We probably watched about 12 games during the weekend. Not to bad considering we had 3 kids under 3 with us! Just tonight Bridger asked if we could go back to state basketball. He was really disappointed that the only basketball he gets to watch now is on TV.

The other thing I failed to get any pictures of was the kids swimming. They loved the pool. I think we'll enroll them in swimming lessons so they can be more confident in the water. Corbin was always asking if we were going to the wah-ow.

Sanford's round 1:

Reagan refuses to keep a headband of any sort on her head for longer than 10 minutes. Its great. Good thing she is slathered in pink most of the time. She doesn't have quite enough hair to make it obvious that she is a girl.

Relaxing in the motel
shortly after this picture was taken Reagan took the first spill of her little life. Yes, she somehow fell off the bed. Not exactly sure how since she doesn't roll too well...she survived and isn't showing any lasting affects. It sure gave us all a scare though.

Sanford's round 2
After the last Evanston game most of us went to dinner at Sanford's again. They didn't have any seating available in the restaurant, but the patio was open. It was heated and didn't feel too bad at first, when it was still light. Kind of crazy to think that we were sitting mostly outside eating dinner in the middle of March in Wyoming. By the end it was chilly but we all survived. It was nice because the kids were able to run around without bothering anyone but their parents!

It was also Brent's birthday yesterday. So we sang to him while we were there. He was kind enough to let me go to Hobby Lobby, where we saw the Locke's from Douglas, and then we headed to Sportsman's Warehouse. After dinner we left the kids with Susan and went to the championship games. The 3A girls game was in double overtime when we got there so we watched the end of that and then watched all of the 4A boys game. Brent's day was made when Natrona knocked off Gillette for the championship. It was especially sweet because Gillette was undefeated, good, and cocky.

I think we wore the little guys out. This is how they were sleeping when I woke up this morning.

We had originally planned to head to Douglas for Sacrament meeting today. We were up, ready, and headed out to the car to get on the road. I was a little hesitant because it was starting to snow in Casper and it was already snowing in Evanston. Our decision was made when we walked out to our car and I noticed that Reagan's door wasn't shut all the way. I thought maybe I hadn't shut it all the way the night before and got the keys to make sure the car would start. When I opened my door the glove box was open and stuff was strewn across the seats. At about the same moment Brent and I looked at each other and realized someone had broken into our car. Nice. They took our extra DVD player with all the cords for plugging it in, all the Cd's that were in our console, Brent's birthday card (don't worry, he had already taken the money out), and the few treats that we had sitting in the front-5 or 6 jolly ranchers and some chex mix in a baggie. They left the DVD player that was hooked on the back of the seat and all of the DVD's. Apparently kid's cartoons aren't too appealing to thieves. The stuff they took is replaceable but it still makes you mad. I don't know if you've ever had that experience, but it is unnerving to say the least. We felt so violated. Immediately you start going back in your mind...did we lock it? How could we have not? We ALWAYS lock the car. Anyway...we didn't feel like driving to Douglas and decided to just head home. Kind of a crappy ending to an otherwise wonderful weekend.
We're ready to do it again next year. Minus the getting our stuff stolen.

1 comment:

Emily K. said...

What a fun tradition! You are brave to take all the kids. I'm sure they just loved it. All babies have to fall off the bed at least once. It's too bad it happened to Reagan, but, at least it's over with, right? Sorry about the thieves. That's happened to us before. But, they ripped off our stereo, right out of the dash. Makes ya mad mad mad!