Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So peaceful

Too bad it is 6:15 and dinner is in the oven.
I would really love it if it was after 8:00 pm.

I don't know what my fascination with pictures of all my kids sleeping is. I should have more of the three of them together when they are awake...hmmm. I'll work on that.

Today has been a long day. I woke up at 6:30 to walk on the elliptical. I was able to walk for 28 minutes and then shower, eat breakfast, get completely ready for the day and make some signs for primary before any of the kids made a peep. Too bad we had somewhere to be at 9AM. I had to wake them up, hurry and feed Reagan, get everyone dressed, grab a pop tart and some milk for the boys breakfast and rush out the door.
We headed to the church to make chocolate centers for our primary activity this afternoon. Then we headed home for some lunch and just hanging out.
Then it was back to the church for the primary activity. The kids made cards, decorated treat boxes, and finally dipped chocolate to give to their parents for Valentine's day. It was a little chaotic, but not too bad. The big and little boys had more fun running around than dipping chocolates and the big girls really loved dipping the chocolates.
All of us in the presidency have little kids and by the end they were done. I think as we left the church all 8 children were screaming. Lovely.
I came home and fed Reagan and started getting dinner ready. Dinner is done and the above picture is what our home looks like. Maybe they're out for the night...could I be so lucky?


Abbie said...

Have you ever noticed that I don't post ANY pictures of Ella sleeping in random places? That's because she NEVER has just fallen asleep like that. LOL. Lucky you. I think I'm just anal though about her naps. That will change when a second child comes along.

Shae said...

there's just something about kids sleeping that is so precious....i love it!!

Tarrah said...

I think that's a beautiful site...three kids sleeping without forcing them to go to sleep.

My sister and I joke, if money grew on trees we would hire someone just to put our kids to bed because it becomes such a ordeal (musical chairs) so many nights.