Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ice fishing with Dad-take two

Making a snow angel.

Gary fishing (or getting ready to)

Bridger trying to catch something

fun times

Brent took Bridger ice fishing for the second time, yesterday. Brent's uncle, Gary, went with them. They didn't catch anything but I think they had fun. I mean what's not to love about early morning snow storms and drilling through 24 inches of ice? Bridger stayed layered up all day long. By layered I mean he had his pajamas, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweat shirt on all day. I was hot for him. I kept asking if he wanted to take something off, and he didn't.

The other funny story I got out of him was that he ate snow while they were ice fishing. Last night we went to Susan's and it had been snowing so she had some fresh snow on the railing outside her door. Bridger was eating it and I told him to stop because that was kind of gross. He said "but I was eating snow when we were ice fishing." I said,"you were?" He said, "yeah, Gary and Dad were drilling their holes and I was just eating the snow. It was fine." Lovely.

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

My kids still eat fresh snow, and I'm ok with that. What harm can it do?

Gross is drinking someone else's cereal milk. Don't ask where I saw that. Eww.

I love your pic of all 3 kids sleeping, so cute.