Friday, January 08, 2010

where has the time gone?

Its hard for me to believe that THREE months ago I was sitting in the hospital holding my little girl for the first time! Now she is laying on the floor cooing and talking to her brothers and the toys that surround her.

She is bright eyed

pretty content (as long as she is fed)

and well loved by her family...especially her two big brothers.

We love our little Reagan-girl. She is getting to be more fun each day. This morning she sat and "talked" for about 15 minutes straight. That is such a fun sound to hear. She smiles like crazy and shows it off whenever someone talks to her. She is close to rolling over; especially when she is mad. If she lays on her tummy she can hold herself up with her elbows. She sleeps like a champ, which I am very grateful for. I'm just a little bit sad that she is growing so fast. Not too sad though. I'm not the biggest fan of the newborn stage. Right where she's at is the beginning of the fun!

1 comment:

Shon and Holly Shuldberg said...

Collette, your kiddos are so darn cute. I love the picture of Corbin asleep with his gun right next to him, like he was scouting out a big one and just got too tired. Love it!!