Friday, January 08, 2010

And they're out

I noticed it was extremely quiet as I was adding the last pictures to the blog. I peaked in the front room to find the following:

It didn't take long before she joined her brothers in dreamland.

and now two of them are awake was nice while it lasted! I even played the wii by myself for a minute!


Tara Mogle said...

don't you love when that happens?! It's the best. I just updated myself on your family since Christmas...sounds like you are staying busy and having loads of fun!

Emily K. said...

This has Never Ever Ever happened to me. EVER! What wonderful kids you have. My 3 kids have never slept at the same time during the day. That would be nice. . . I guess that's one good thing about having your kids closer in age.

Amanda Davenport said...

Oh how awesome I wish mine would do that but no luck they always wake up the baby haha! I got Ledger a play mat like this too he loves it and also falls asleep under it he loves the music and flashing lights!