Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I love this program!

I was first inspired by my sister, then my husband. They were both successful. I've been doing it for 2 months and I love it. Here are some reasons I love it:

  • I am accountable for what I eat; even if its just to a program on the computer.
  • I've learned to recognize when I am most likely to eat besides meal-time. I eat when I'm bored and when I'm cooking/baking. Now I am more conscious of these times and find other things to do.
  • I've learned correct portion size.
  • I haven't had to change the things that I eat. Maybe just how much.
  • I actually think about everything that I am putting into my body instead of mindlessly snacking.
As a result of success with the program I have developed a need to exercise. I started out by walking on my elliptical for 15 minutes. I have increased it to 25 minutes. This is part of my day. I don't just do it when I have time. I do it every day. Sometimes it doesn't sound like fun at all, but then I remember how I feel after I'm done and I get back on. To help me stay motivated I've even set some goals to run in real races this summer. I'm kind of excited! I've never wanted to run in a race before.

So thank-you Weight Watchers for helping me kick start a new me. I love who I am becoming and how I am feeling.

In case you are wondering what to have for dinner, here is what we've had for dinner the past couple of weeks. I thought I'd start keeping track so when we are trying to think of something, I'll know what we've eaten recently!
Pot Roast
Red Robin
Salad Bar
Taco Salad
Home Made Chinese
Hawaiian haystacks
Crock Pot chicken Supreme
Chili Dogs
Philly Steak sandwich
Chicken pot pie (home made)
Taco Soup
Mac n Cheese
Shrimp Alfredo
Fried Rice
Pork Roast
Chicken Crepes
Pulled pork sandwiches
Italian Calizone


Tara Mogle said...

way to go! that is so awesome that you have found something that works for you. I was actually thinking Brent even looks a little thinner in the picture of him sitting in the chair sleeping! haha. Great job you two. I hope you continue to have success!

Anonymous said...

that's great!! Have you lost anything yet? I wish I could say I was still loosing....anyway I'm happy it's working for you.
love ya!!

Hansen Family said...

Good job! I also love weight watchers. I finally reached my goal on monday and I don't feel like it was really that hard to finally lose all that baby weight. Yay for weight watchers!!

Emily K. said...

Maybe I should try Weight Watchers. I'm glad that you love it, and you've found something that works for you. I've been running, and running, and running, and aerobicizing, and pilates-ing, forever, and I'm not seeing results. I'm not eating what I want, either, though. I've totally cut back!! This 30 year old metabolism is kickin' my trash!! Hurry, and lose all your weight before your birthday. You will be happy you did it.

Collette said...

Andrea-I've lost 17 pounds so far. I am about 20-30 from my goal still.

Jamie-Good job! It feels so good,doesn't it.

Emily-Try it for a month. It seriously works so well (but for the record, you look great). My goal is to be where I want to be by my birthday. Its all part of being in the best shape when I turn 30. Hopefully it works!

mom/Janet said...

I got my weight watchers membership right before I got pregnant with Dale. I have gone back many many times since. It's a great program. You have motivated me, Collette. Thanks. I have all the tools and knowledge. I think I'll start using them again. Continued good luck.

Jeanna said...

Love WW. Need to pick up the books and get going. Portion control is key.