Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Post-Christmas activities

Isn't half the fun of Christmas putting stuff together? We didn't have too much to put together, but when it was necessary the boys were right there to help!

Reagan being a good girl waiting for her toy to be put together.

Sunday the 27th we headed to Star Valley to listen to my cousin, Tyler, talk in church. He recently returned from his mission in Las Vegas. It was fun to see some of my family and we always love going to Star Valley.
New church clothes for the boys.
and Reagan.

We had a busy week after Christmas. Here is a brief (yes, this is the brief version) run-down of how the week went:

Monday: I went to Utah to look at Andreas wedding dress...so pretty. Steven and Vicki came to town, Bridger slept over at Grandma Lake's with his cousins (this was a pretty common theme to the week).
Monday Night: Corbin was sick and throwing up...not fun for anyone!
Tuesday: I was sick and Corbin still didn't feel great. Brent and Steven took the little boys ice fishing. Jenny and her kids came to town in a snow storm.
Wednesday: Pancake breakfast at our house and we just kind of hung out for most of the day. In the afternoon we took the kids to see the Princess and the Frog. They loved it. I didn't love the evil spirits in it. Other than that, cute, cute movie. Pretty sure Bridger slept over at Grandma's again.
Thursday: The plan was to go sledding but our kids fell asleep on the way so we just headed home and let them sleep in anticipation of the nights festivities. We did the New Years eve party at Jean and Dave's house. We ventured into the cold to watch fireworks with most of the little kids. That is one perk of living in Evanston...great fireworks for every occasion!
Friday: We spent the day at Susan's for her New Year's party. Lots of food and football. The adults went to the late show and we left all the kids with Brent's cousins. When we got home around midnight wouldn't you know that Reagan and Corbin were two of the three kids still awake. Lovely. Another sleep-over night.
Saturday: We took Christmas down and got our house in order again. It was nice to have a down day with not much going on. Susan ordered Chinese and we visited and played a game.
Sunday: back to business as usual! We had 35 kids in primary (our normal numbers have been closer to 15-20) and it felt like chaos ensued! Bridger survived his first day in primary. I think that he will do pretty well. It is hard to have me in there because he thinks he is supposed to sit with me...we will be working on that for a while, I'm pretty sure.

I am so glad to be back to regular life around here. I wasn't in much of a holiday mood this year. I felt like I was just going through the motions. Hopefully next year when I have three little smalls running around I will be more in the spirit. I've thought about (and even written down) a few things I want to work on through this year. I won't bore you with them, but I am excited to hopefully make some great changes in my life and in turn hopefully bless our family as well. I'm turning 30 this year and I want to be in a good place when it happens so I embrace it instead of dread it!


Emily K. said...

Wow, busy busy season for you guys. I was wondering why it took you so long to post your Christmas happenings. I think that whole "going through the motions" thing happens when you have a newborn, who is the 3rd child. I still feel like that sometimes, and Tristan's almost 6 months. Good for you for wanting to be in a better place when you're 30. It is, after all, just a number, though. We all strive, don't we? Happy New Year. I hope 2010 brings many blessings your way. Thanks for the Christmas card. The kids love to look at Bridger and Corbin, and the baby.

Abbie said...

I hear ya about turning 30! I want to be in a good place too so that I can embrace it. Loved hearing about your happenings!!