Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Two months

It is really hard for me to believe, but Reagan is two months old today. Seriously. In my mind she is still a newborn. It is a good thing I have this blog so I can go back and see what the boys were doing at this age so I could figure out what I should be doing with her...besides letting her sleep all day long!
She had her well-child visit today.
Here is the one stat I found out:
Weight: 9lbs even (25th percentile)
Height: I don't know. She is in the 50th(ish) percentile for height...whatever that height is.
Head circumference: no clue.

For some reason this Dr. doesn't share all the specifics and I forget to ask.
She survived her 3 shots and is now recovering by taking a nice little nap. She was not happy that they poked her and let us all know about it. She cried more than the boys did but it was more of a mad cry...like that was rude.

She is healthy and finally over her ear infection. Thank goodness. She still gets a little stuffed up but nothing the bulb syringe aka nose sucker can't handle. She is starting to be awake for longer periods of time. She smiles at us and we're starting to introduce toys to her. The boys had fun getting out all their old toys and trying to get her to play with them on Sunday afternoon. She was more interested in watching what they were doing than playing. The boys sure had fun with the toys though.

Maybe when she wakes up we'll get a picture to mark the day.

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