Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas lights

Last week we went to Ogden to do some Christmas shopping. We thought it would be fun to go see the Christmas Village in downtown, since we were there. I think we picked one of the coldest nights to go. Oh well. At least we can say we did it. Might have been the fast forward version, but we did it!
This is how you cart 3 small children around in the cold.

This is the result we were going for. These boys were such good sports all day. Shopping with Mom and Dad is not easy. I loved how they were both leaning at the same angle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw I'm sad you guys were here and didn't call me. I would've loved to come with you guys to see the lights. Jerame and I went with his family on Sunday night and got soaked because of all the snow.
Next time please call me I wanna go too!!
love you