Wednesday, December 02, 2009


We had a nice, low-key Thanksgiving. It was strange for me this year to not have anywhere to travel to. It was our year to be with Brent's family for Thanksgiving and we went to his Grandma and Grandpa Welling's house for the big meal. We were joking as we walked over there (yes, they live that close and it was that nice outside) that our song for the day could be "through the alley and around the block to Grandmothers house we go". I think they said there were about 65-70 people there for the meal. Crazy if you ask me. I finally came to the conclusion that this is their tradition and who am I to try to change it? So we will continue to enjoy Thanksgiving every other year in close quarters with those we love! The food was yummy as always. Do you think I got the camera out? Nope. It was in the bag though...the thought right?

Thursday night we were plotting our early morning sale at Wal-Mart plan when Brent's uncle called to inform us that the stuff that was on the "all day" sale would be available at midnight (because the store was staying open all night). So we put the boys to bed at Susan's and headed to Wal-Mart at about 9:45pm. We then stood in line until midnight for the items we wanted, purchased them, and headed home. Luckily we didn't need anything at the 5AM sale so we got to sleep in (Brent's sister Julie and some others stayed until 5 AM. Yup, 8 hours in Wal-Mart. They are die-hards). I'm glad we got the heads up from Gary or we would have been out of luck on many items. Thank you Wal-Mart in Evanston for not being very organized with your sale. You helped us out a ton!
Still no pictures.

Friday afternoon we decided to do something fun while Steven and his boys were still in town. Bowling it was. We learned that kids need either a) bumpers or b) a shorter game to stay entertained the whole time. It was fun and they loved it when they hit some pins; so did I for that matter! Lets just say we aren't expert bowlers! Brent had to go back to work that night so he left us half way through. We finished the night out with McDonalds (or mic-a-donald's as Bridger calls it) and the kids playing at Susan's.

Saturday the kids and I headed to Mtn. View to visit my parents for a couple of hours while Brent slept. Dad got the lights on the house up and we thought really hard about decorating. Thought being the key word.

It was a fun weekend and we look forward to the Christmas season!

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