Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Putting up Christmas

We got all of our Christmas put up. We began last Wednesday and finished last night. The boys are so excited for all that is Christmas.

This is the first day when we had most of the boxes out and ready to put the tree up. We decided to just get lights on it and then wait until we were in the mood for ornaments!

The boys had so much fun putting the ornaments on.
The glass bulbs needed to go above Corbin's head. We decided after we saw him batting one of the bulbs like a punching bag. Nice.

1 comment:

Shon and Holly Shuldberg said...

I love Christmas trees. Yours looks so much better with little hands helping you than mine does. I literally had to sit on my hands to keep from redecorating my tree. It is the first year I actually let them put ornaments on it. Yours is beautiful and you have such a beautiful family!!