Sunday, September 20, 2009


I can't believe it is the middle-end of September. It seems like I waited and waited for September and now it is almost gone. Crazy. There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately. I have about 5 pictures on my camera to prove it. I should be better about taking pictures of the boys for posterity's sake.
Here are the few pictures I have to show for what has been going on:

Brent went hunting with Jeff. Jeff came home with this antelope after just a few hours of hunting. They were both pretty excited.

So excited that Brent took a picture with it too.

Corbin just being himself. I think he had been spinning and spinning making himself dizzy in this picture. That seems to be one of his favorite activities lately!

For some reason Bridger loves to sleep (or fall asleep) like this.

Other things going on:
  • I have been to the doctor twice this month. They scheduled the c-section for October 8th. So that means only 2 1/2 weeks until the baby comes. Kind of crazy. I think we're ready. The boys are getting pretty excited and so are we.
  • Brent's mom taught me how to bottle peaches a couple of weeks ago. I think this week we're going to do pears. It was a fun learning experience and I look forward to having the fruit during the winter. Makes us feel like we have some real food storage too!
  • The biggest news is that Brent went back to work...after having 5 months off. We were all sad to see him go. He only had to work Friday, Saturday, and today, but still it is strange to not have him around all the time. Bridger is constantly asking when Daddy's going to be home. I didn't realize how much I had come to rely on him. He was such a big help with the boys; from entertaining them to getting them fed and dressed in the mornings. We've managed but it has been quite the task to learn how to do it all on my own again. Everyone gives him a hard time about 5 months paid vacation, but really only the last month has been like vacation. Between the doctor, Chevron, and the state it took them an month to get all the paperwork in order to send him back. Nice and efficient!


Brittany said...

i just had the same thought about september this morning. it's practically gone. and so is summer for that matter (which i know you're happy about).

i love the hunting pics! i love that brent had to have his picture taken with the antelope too. that made me laugh.

canned peaches and pears do sound like the perfect treat in the heart of winter. way to go!

K'Lyn said...

Wow! you have been busy and having fun. I am so excited for you all to have a sister in the family. It is so fun! Good luck with everything!