Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preschool graduation

Corbin finished preschool this week! It is hard to believe. He has grown and learned so much. He isn't a big talker so details about the days were always a little scarce. When asked what they did that day he would magically forget. I had to ask very specific questions to jog his memory. He loved doing art projects and circle time. He liked telling the weather or what day of the week it was during circle time.

Last night was their "graduation". He got to wear his special Shooting stars graduate" t-shirt and stand on the table to be recognized (it happened so fast I didn't get a picture). We ate dinner and then shot the rockets. 

He is off to kindergarten and I am left wondering how they grow so fast! We love our Corbin. He keeps us on our toes and is always making us laugh, or crazy!! 

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