Wednesday, February 15, 2012

our life

Here is the best glimpse into our every day lives right now.

Hollywood came to town and gave their glasses to Reagan. She is quite opinionated about her wardrobe lately. Oh, and she is fully potty trained. Happy day!

I knew better than to trust his silence in the kitchen. Little turkey!

Headed to Utah for a shopping trip. The hat was a necessity that day.

Bridger had 100 day at school. He took 100 marshmallows. I think he had fun. He doesn't divulge much information about school. Maybe by the time Reagan goes I will know what really goes on in kindergarten. I think it might be a little more fun than Bridger lets us know about.

We made home made valentines for Bridger's class. I asked him what his favorite candy was and he said whoppers. Add a cheesy little saying and you have great treats for the class! I think I had more fun making them than they did receiving them, but oh well.

We've had a couple of sick days around here. It started with me and has gone through most of the kids. Poor things. It is not a fun cold to catch.

We are working on getting the kids rooms all fixed up. It is a longer process than I thought it might be in my head!

Valentine's day-evening was spent at home with our family. We invited Susan, Nicole, Jeff, Julie, and their family over for dinner. Fun way to spend the cheesiest holiday ever!!

We are on to birthday mode. Two in the next two weeks means I have a little work to be doing. Can't believe my kids are growing up so fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE CUTE and CUTE!! Love all these updates. I miss you guys. Hope we get to see you all for the birthdays or sometime soon.
Love you