Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013

We had a rough start to Christmas this year! I woke up with a sick stomach. When Mom doesn't feel good it has potential to make everything else kind of crash. Luckily Brent is a trooper and carried on without me.
We kept our going out to breakfast Christmas Eve morning tradition going on. Brent might have looked like a single dad out with his children in a last ditch effort to make Christmas good, but he went anyway. They went to Jodi's diner (a little, well, diner here in Evanston) and according to Brent the kids were really well behaved. 
They came home and quickly cleaned up the house to get it ready for Santa. In the mean time I started to feel a little better and got up and showered. 
My parents came over to spend the day and night and by the time they got here I felt pretty good. So on with the festivities we went!!

First up: Ice skating-the pictures are on Brent's phone and didn't transfer over. I will have to work on that. The kids {mostly} had fun. We used the walkers from Brent's surgery to steady them.  The kids are already asking when we can go again. that's a good sign, right?! 

Next we ordered take out Chinese for dinner. We did that two years ago when my parents came and loved it. No cooking and minimal clean up! Perfect for a night like that!! 
The boys sprinkled the reindeer food that Mrs. Thornton gave to Corbin. We were continually checking NORAD to see where Santa was. When he was in South America it was time to put out the food becuase he was getting close, you know! 

We watched the nativity on and talked about the birth of our Savior. The kids then decided they wanted to attempt to act it out. Here are our pathetic attempts at some costumes. I think we have a shephard, wiseman, and angel. No one wanted to be Mary or Joseph...We will work on this for future years. 

After the nativity we opened a present from Grandma and Grandpa Hamblin. I wish I had a video camera out when we told Hudson he could finally open their present. He was clear in the back of the house and came tearing down the hall and into the living room so fast we barely saw him. He went straight to the tree and pushed Bridger out of the way to get his present. He paused for a minute before tearing into it with a look like "is this really ok?".  I have never seen a boy so excited about a present. He has been patiently waiting to open it for two weeks now. 

After presents and playing for a while we set out cookies for Santa and attempted to settle down for the night. The big boys went right to sleep but the little ones took a little longer. After switching beds a couple of times they finally crashed so that Santa could make an appearance. 

Christmas morning the kids slept in until about 7:30.  I'm glad that they haven't figured out waking up really early on Christmas yet. Everyone was happy with what Santa brought them. It is so fun to see their eyes light up when they get just what they asked for. Luckily they don't ask for anything crazy so Santa can usually deliver. 

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and playing with all our new toys. This is the first year in the 10 years we have been married that we haven't gone anywhere, even for an hour or two, on Christmas. Heaven, I tell you, pure heaven. It was so fun to have my parents here too. Grandpa always helps build the excitement levels just a little bit.  Just like he did when we were kids!!

We finished the day out with Reagan puking and Brent not feeling so well.  By the next morning Bridger was puking as well. So fun to be sick on Christmas. That was a first for us. I hope it doesn't happen again for a long, long time-if ever!! 

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