Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Bridger went as Peyton manning. We tried for a quick costume change when Boston won the World Series last night but apparently wyoming doesn't really care about the World Series or boston so football it was! 

Corbin is Jack Frost from the movie rise of the guardians. He was a big hit at the costume parade at school. I hope he hasn't frozen to death at recess. He refused to take a coat!! 

Reagan is our sassy cheerleader. She has the moves and cheers down. 

Hudson refused to put his costume on this morning. So we are saying he is dressed as an opinionated two year old. He had to have a certain short today too. I have his picture but I'm not sure where it ended up! 

We are prepping for our spooky dinner. Hopefully I will post about our second annual tradition later tonight!! 

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