Monday, April 15, 2013

Snow day

On Tuesday, April 9th, we had a late start day. The wind blew so hard all night and I was literally laying awake waiting for debris of some sort to hit our house. Apparently it was snowing too. You can imagine the drifts and roads with that combination. So we had a late start day.

When I took Bridger to school we were bundled up but didn't know we would need full snow gear to get to school. As we got to the gate we were met with a 2.5 foot drift for the kids to try to climb through. I sent Bridger ahead thinking he could climb over it. Not so. He sank almost to his chest. So I grabbed him ad I sank up to my mid thigh. It was awesome. We just forged on and laughed at how deep the drift was. I called the school when I got home and they knew about it. Hello- it's a main entrance to the school. Why would you leave it??! Luckily by the time school was out they had cleared it!!
The first pic is out out back door before school started. The others are an attempt to document how snowy I was when I got home! Don't mind the dirty mirror!!

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