Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bridger's Birthday day

 We started the day out by heading to the Denver Aquarium.  We were skeptical but had heard some good things. It turned out to be so much fun. The boys loved it. I wish we lived closer to go more often.
 We grabbed some lunch and then headed to the light rail to get to the game. We were a little excited and ended up being really early.  I mean really early.

 Bridger is at our stop to head to the stadium

 Corbin thought it was a great time to take a nap.  Turns out he was right!

I'm not sure who was more excited, Brent or Bridger. Ok, I was too. On the train to the stadium.

This is a collection of all the pictures at the stadium.  We ended up with great seats. Only about 30ish rows up on the bottom level. This was Payton Manning's first game with the Broncos so there was a lot of buzz.  Bridger carried a sign that said it was his birthday and a man stopped him and gave him a couple of dollars. It made his day. We had so much fun taking in the NFL experience. It was only pre-season but we'll save the good games for when the kids are older and can really appreciate it!

We left the game before it was over and the stands were still pretty full. Walking out of the stadium it looked like people were literally pouring out. I can't believe how big that place is. We grabbed a ride on a rick-shaw back to the train station and rode a VERY full train to the end of the line where our car was.

It was a long day but so worth it. One little boy was so happy. The other one told me that he didn't drive all this way to sit through an entire football game! Sorry buddy, you did!!

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