Sunday, July 08, 2012

St. George mini vacation

We headed for St. George on Thursday.  It was a little crazy getting everything together after our fun filled 4th...but we did it!! 
First stop was in Nephi for lunch.  We had just driven through a torrential rain storm all the way from Echo to Provo. Crazy, crazy rain. Luch was welcomed!!
Next stop was Cove fort.  It was pretty fun to see how the Hinckly family lived so long ago! Our little tour guide was so cute and good with the restless kids. Corbin was loving the stroller by this point! 
 One of the days we headed to the family fun center. It was so stinking hot. I could barely stand to be outside. I think it was about 100 degrees. Not so great for this cool weather girl. The kids loved it. Corbin was severely limited on what he could do because of his cast. Poor little guy wanted to get in the water so bad. The big kids and adults all raced go carts and had so much fun. 

 Friday and Saturday we went to shows at Tuachan.  We saw Aladdin with the boys and then Hairspray with just the adults...and Braxton. It is such a pretty amphitheater. Again, a little warm for my taste but still fun shows to watch.  The littles stayed in the day care that the high school students at Tuachan provide. We could check in on them with our little beepers and they had so much fun. Much easier then wrestling them late at night through long shows.

One afternoon we headed over to the Jacob Hamblin home. I wanted to see where my ancestors were for a little bit. It was short and sweet and interesting, all rolled into one. 

This is about how I felt by the end. Hot and tired.

One other sweet spot was that we got to see Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill and their family.  Aunt Beth passed away and we just happened to be in town at the same time.

St. George was great...but I'll head back when it isn't so dang hot! Sorry all you SG lovers.

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