Sunday, July 15, 2012

Girls camp

I don't have pictures but I need to remember it anyway.  Last week (10-13) I was able to go to girls camp with our stake as the 2nd year hike leader. It is the same thing I did 2 years ago.  I love that calling. Getting to know the wonderful women that I worked with and the girls makes all the stress and prep work worth it.
Our theme was "Arise and shine forth, Go for the gold".  It was all about the Olympics. Each ward was a Book of Mormon nation. Every ward had a flag as did the Priesthood and stake. We started out bright and early Tuesday morning (7AM to be exact) and had a motivational;l speaker. Following him we began the torch relay. Each ward had 3.2 miles to run our torch. We went 20 miles and it was awesome! It was an experience that you hope turns out good and it turned out GREAT! The girls and leaders realized that they can do hard things. It set the tone for the rest of camp.
Some of the other fun things that went on were:
  • every ward read the Book of Mormon by dividing it up among the girls (we as stake leaders did this as well)
  • Olympic challenges every morning and evening
  • Hikes
  • Trading pins
  • Olympic events
  • Wonderful program about the Book of Mormon
  • Cooking some questionable meals
  • Skits
  • Laughing and visiting with some wonderful women, inside and out
It was so fun. I was ready for it to be over but I will miss the association with these women. They are really amazing and have made me want to be better in so many aspects of my life. The girls were so sweet and I think they had fun too. I love that I can be with them once a year and they still remember me. It also made me really appreciate my primary job!! Fun times and memories to last a lifetime.

To top it all off I came home to an incredibly clean house and appreciative husband for all that I do! My kids missed me and that always makes you feel good!! 

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