Monday, November 07, 2011

Good day

I have new pictures to post...later. I just wanted to remember how perfect this night felt.
The afternoon was a little rocky for me. I was tired and I didn't feel like I was accomplishing everything I wanted to. I might have hid downstairs for a little bit so I didn't take it out on the kids. we were eating dinner the children's attitudes gradually changed from "I am not eating that to I'm not eating the green stuff to this isn't so bad, can I have seconds"? Then Brent laid out a plan for family home evening.
Dinner got cleaned up and we had our little family home evening. We talked about gratitude and the ten lepers. The kids sang Book of Mormon stories enthusiastically, participated, and the whining/fighting was kept to a bare minimum. After that I made some cupcakes while Brent played a rousing game of Old MacDonald with the kids. While the cupcakes baked I joined them. We had so much fun. Everyone was laughing and getting a long.
As I sat at the table I was so happy and grateful for the little family that we have! It felt like we were doing something right and our kids might turn out ok after all! I guess we have a few more years to determine that but it was a good start!


Kasi French said...

This post warms my heart. Happy Monday Night.

Abbie said...

So glad to hear. So glad you had a great evening.

Jami said...

I love moments like that, the ones that lack that ever-looming feeling of failure. :) Good for you for writing it down.